Saturday, April 8, 2017

So you're a new teacher and don't know where to start?

What is the hardest job in this world you ask? I use to wonder that as well until I became one.  Being a parent is definitely the hardest job in the world.    However,   I soon learned  the second hardest job hands down is teaching.

I am a teacher, and proud of it.  I have been teaching 23 years and have a lot to offer.  So why did I start this blog?  I started this blog to be able to share the knowledge and resources I have learned over the years.  I started this blog to show you what I have to offer you.  I started this blog for new teachers who may be overwhelmed and don't know where to start.  Please go back and read my previous blogs.    I remember being new and not knowing if I was going or coming.

My first class of students bless their souls. They were my guinea pigs. I  hope they learned something, because I was just  flying by the seat of my pants.  I learned a lot about myself and just how prepared I was for teaching.   So I dug in and begin to educate myself about how to be a classroom teacher.  I had the book knowledge  I needed the rest,  I was given a mentor and a list of books.  I was overwhelmed to say the least.  The one thing  I realized is that I  had to have classroom management under control first or my teaching would be in vain.

 I began to read books about  classroom management.  The book below was the first book introduced to me that I refer to often.  I have found 3 more that give practical and relatible scenarios and solutions for classroom management  of not only student behavior, but also teacher behavior.  I refer back to these ofter, because each year is different .  You have different kids with different issues, and with Covid the last 3 years have been quite a struggle for all educationrs. .  Yet it is important that we  reflect, adapt and modify for the current students in front of us.  Never assume one thing will work for all students.  Through trial and error one of the things I realized is the way to be able to run class effectively without a lot of disruptions is through active engagment.

I highly recommend this book for  new teachers.

In order for classroom management to be under control, you have to have rules, routines and procedures in place that are modeled, practiced and enforced.  Follow through is important  You can't implement something and not follow through with it.

I also recommend these books:

1.  Power struggles by Allen Mendler

    It's every educators worst fear: losing control of the classroom. This book showed me how to regain the focus of challenging and resistant students with this practical resource on classroom management, discipline, and motivation. 

2. Teach like a Champion   3.0 latest version ( there are 3 versions of this one) -  by Doug Lemov

  This book teaches you how to create a positive and productive classroom that encourages student engagement, trust, respect, accountability, and excellence

3.   Teach  Like a Pirate:  By Dave Burgess

 This book offers inspiration, practical techniques, and innovative ideas that will help you to increase student engagement, boost your creativity.

Once your classroom management and routines and procedures in place and only then are you ready to delve into your instruction.   I realized that I got more accomplished once I had all the procedural  things in place.  I was able to delve into the curriculum and learn my content.

The second thing that has to be in place as a new teacher is knowing your Teks and content.

I was self contained and tasked with teaching Reading, Writing, Word Study and Social Studies.  I grabbed copies of the expectations for my grade level for the subject area for the year and I read them, created a binder for them, highlighted them, tagged them with sticky notes and referred back to them often.

I created binders for every subject area, and every unit.  I would print the curriculum off our COL.  It allowed me to write on it directly.  I know some say it is a waste of paper, but I needed to have something concrete in my hands. I would read the UBD(Learning Plan) to see what is expected of the students and myself.  I would than analyze the End of Unit Assessment and determine what the students would be responsible for being able to do at the end,  Sometimes I found that there may not have been lessons on some of the things they would be tested on, so I had to create the lesson or integration of the topic.

I learned to use a timer to make the most of my time especially when it came to  Reading and Writers Workshop.   I realized after my first three years how important it was to stick to a mini lesson and to allow students the opportunity to engage in the actual task of Reading or Writing.  This is when I was able to pull those small groups that I have been blogging about.  I would reteach, reinforce or introduce skills to small groups of students.  I made sure that I met with every student at least once during a week.  

As teachers, we have to become strategic in forming flexible groups for multiple purposes.   If you haven't had a chance go check out my previous blogs that talk about how to form small groups, and possible resources you may need,

As educators we have to be willing to do the work in order to yield the results we are aiming toward.  I studied each lesson and made sure I had all the material ahead of time to make the most of the the mini lesson.   I didn't just read the Teks I studied them. I studied the assessment, looked over student work and let  the students dictate the direction of my instruction.  Of course, I had to do some whole group reteaching, but mostly I found I could group kids and teach to those who needed while continuing with the continent in the pacing guide in the order provided.  As a teacher, you learn  to modify and adjust Sometimes you have to just use your teacher instincts when planning your next step of instruction.

The third thing I had to have in place was  professional development to help me to grow as an educator and to continue to learn.  I enrolled in every workshop that dealt with my subject area.  I met colleagues that I  built relationships with and began to collaborate with and share ideas.  I found support systems that provided me with even more resources, books and ideas on how to become a better teacher.

So, here I am 17 years later sharing what I learned and how far I have come as an educator.  I am ready to go to the next level and help others excel.  I want to provide tips and resources via this blog, my Instagram pages, pinterest page, my Business Facebook page, my TPT account and by going live with quick tips that can be implemented immediately.

If you have questions you would like to ask, I will try to answer them,  feel feel to leave them in the comments below or go to one of my social  media pages.  Feel free to view, like, follow, share and comment

What can I offer you?

A beginning of the year get to know bundle that helps you to set expecations, and to build relation ships with learners. 


Facebook:  I share ideas, tips and  resources

Instagram:  Share my pinterest pins 
Mrseducate IG

Pinterest-  I have set up several  boards pins from educational, to motivational to shared 

I invite you to visit, follow and comment

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