Saturday, April 15, 2017


How do I prevent the backslide that we as teachers often see happen in some students during Summer vacation?  I create supports to help prevent that from happening.

As it closer to the end of the year,  I think about all the work teachers put in during the school year and how when some students come back they have totally lost all the progress they made over the year.  I am mainly concerned about  my below level babies.


So I am a teacher,  What are some things that I can do for my students to prevent the back slide?

1.  How about creating a  a Reading Bingo Board.
                make it fun

2.  Provide ziploc bag of books that represent below level, on level and above level .

3.  Give an incentive:

4.Provide a list of on line reading sites  (Funbrain,com is one such site)
                    they have cool games that allow kids to practice reading skills in a fun manner

5. Create a day to meet your new students at the  community library and read to them or help them choose books.

6. Provide parents with  ways to help their students over the Summer

7.  Use Scholastic order forms and give parents options to order on line and have the books sent directly to their homes.

8.  I suggest to students to join the Summer Reading program at their local library

Although  my blog  is mostly dedicated to reading.  I felt a need to focus on sharing what I provided to my students during the Summer.  I definitely create activities  for not just Reading, but Math, and Writing as well.


How do I keep kids engaged in math?

1.  I supply all students with a copy of Multiplication cards

2.  I create a Math  bingo board

3.  I provide math games they can play with Playing cards and dice.  I provide the dice and cards most times
                *The Dollar Store*

4.  I create  a  color ladder  incentive for students.  They color it every time they  study facts, and after they complete one level they move to the next level.  ( Parents are required to sign off)

5.  I provide online sites that students can practice in a fun matter.  (

6  Provide parents with a list of ways to help their students.

7.  Other math ideas I plan to use or suggest
                Dominoes, Uno Cards,  Monopoly and Life games are just a few that I will suggest to students

Summer Writing

As a fourth grade writing teacher, who has to contend with the STAAR test,  I make sure to have the kids practice writing.

I usually send home at least 1 prompt a week,  alternating between Expository and Narrative

1. Teacher made  Narrative/expository prompts

2.  Writing bingo board

3.  Make shift journals where students free write in daily

I make it clear to students that the Summer practice is meant to keep their minds alert to the skills that they have learned over the year and prepare them for the skills for the grade they are entering.  So to make a valiant effort to complete the task.  I also make it clear that the task should not take them more than an hour to an hour and 1/2.

So what do I do as a teacher?  I prepare students for everyday life.  I show them how what they learned in class will be used in real life.


  1. Great ideas for making summer fun with continuing reading.

  2. I will be sharing your blog with friends who are teachers and with my mom. I sent the website to my younger siblings. Thanks for sharing your years of knowledge!

    1. Thank you. I appreciate the support. I hope your siblings like the site.

  3. What great ideas you have here! My mum is a principal so I'm going to share this with her to spread to her teachers!
