Tuesday, March 14, 2017

So You want to Be a teacher, Make sure you find a balance

Balance is the key to everything.

Balance means to not let one thing over power the next to the point where you don't know whether your coming or going.

So what do you do  for balance?

I listen to music.  I listen specifically to blues or religious music when I want to be in a zen mode, relax or just need comfort. However,  I listen to R and B and a little bit of the oldies from the 80's when I want to dance and have fun.  I got away from both of these when I moved  to Texas.  I found that I didn't have time or rather I didn't make time.  I was working 12 hour days and on the weekends.

Who can relate?

I had to find the balance again. It took me years believe it or not.  Don't get me wrong, I would take breaks and relax.  I just didn't know how.  I was getting burned out and overwhelmed year after year.
So one day, I took a personal day and worked on prioritizing to find  a balance..I got a notebook and just started writing down things I love to  do to relax. I realized that I hadn't done any of those things since I started teaching here.  Why was that I asked?  Teaching fourth grade is so demanding It is jammed packed with curriculum and STAAR  testing.  I was constantly modifying and adjusting, studying to be informed and preparing. I was too tired to do anything else.

I went to the doctor and he told me if I didn't slow down and take a breath on my own,  my body would force me to take a break. That day came two weeks after the appointment.  I just couldn't function.  I sent my daughter to school with a friend and cried for hours and realized I needed to cry as much as I needed to find a balance.

How did I find that balance?

 I took out my note book and wrote questions and answers.  Why am I not taking a break?  What is keeping me from breaks?  What did I use to do for breaks?  What do I like to do for fun?  I began to answer them.  I realized that I was keeping from all of these things.  I was the cause of my state of mind and health so I thought about what I needed to do.  What did I use to do for fun?   I loved listening to music,  Reading for pleasure,  going for walks and working with children.  So on that day  I turned back on my radio and danced around the house as I cleaned.  I could feel my shoulders dip, my head stop hurting, I felt good, I was smiling,  I was relaxing  I didn't feel  obligated to focus on work for once.  I also didn't feel guilty like I used to do.  I love to read  also.  I had to decide what to read.  I had been reading  for work,  so I was determined to read for me,

I asked for book recommendations and searched my book shelves and found several books that I hadn't read but wanted to read. So I chose a few. I read for enjoyment, spiritual empowerment and to relax.

This is the book that started me on a path of balance.  I suggest it if you haven't read it.

Tony Robbins was another author that begin to inspire me and show me how to find a balance.  Highly recommend it.

Other Author's that inspired me to go move toward balance and pursue other ventures.  In other words go after my dreams were Joel Olsteen and  Joyce Meyer. 

I then begin to read adult novels, instead of children's books for preparation of a lesson.  I re read the Harry Potter series.  It made me laugh and dream again.  I read books by Neta Jackson and Kimberly Lawson that intrigued me.   I took walks and took in the fresh air.  That one day help me to find myself again and find a balance.  I began to reevaluate and prioritize things.  I realize I couldn't continue to do 12 hour days and bring things home everyday.  So the weekends, became mine.  I spent time reading, listening to music walking, spending time with my girls and working toward making my dreams and aspirations come true.

I started this blog to help share my experiences and my knowledge.  I wanted to focus in on the one subject that drives me.  I wanted to use my love of Reading and build another stream of income and business.  I revamped my TPT account and I am starting to add products to my store, slowly.  I started a pinterest page to share resources and materials related to reading,  I created a professional Instagram page where I share information related to Reading and Writing Resources.

Here are the links and sites,  feel free to check them out, read, share, follow and comment.:

Pinterest:  www. pinterest/Educ8te
Iinstagram:  MrsEduc8te
TpT:  Lawson's Ready Readers

I shared all this to say, that when your in a right frame of mind, rested and happy then you tend to do a better job.  Once I relaxed and took time for myself.  I was able to rejuvenate and get better and doing better in my job performance.  I was able to recall things that I had inadvertently filed away and ignored for so long.  Like the fact,  that I know that small group instruction is the best way to move students,  I know that data should drive instruction,  I know my groups need to be flexible,  I know that I needed to confer and analyze student behavior and actions.  I realized that I needed to get back to my Reflective  journal  in order to keep myself balanced as well as productive.

So if you want to be a teacher, don't forget to find the balance.  If you are as passionate about the job of teaching as I am, you know how important it is to take care of yourself.  We all forget, we all get off track, we all get sidetracked.  We just have to make sure to step back and look at all the roads and figure out which one leads to efficiency, effectiveness and balance.

I created a bulletin board that I shared with  my students this year.  It's shows a road that has bumps, turns, u turns, road blocks, detours, stops and holes that you will encounter along your journey.  The goal is to to never give up until you reach your final destination.  My final destination is to have multiple sources of income utilizing my passion for Reading and to open up my own Tutoring facility  with in five years.

So I do want to be a teacher?  Yes,  A teacher in control of my own fate as a Educator.  A teacher who uses her abilities for more than the classroom.

Stay tuned, I pan to explore each type of small group instruction you could possibly do w

Read, share, and follow!!

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