Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A teacher's job is never done

It's the end of the school year, I am dreading taking down  my classroom.  What about you?

Well here are some things you could start doing now so you want be overwhelmed  and running around the last week of school.

1.  Classroom helpers-   Get a group of trusted students  to start making  and label file folders  for the stacks of papers that you have on your desk or guided reading table.

2.  Bulletin Boards:  Start taking down the ones that have multiple parts and possibly post a large poster or chart if you just hate for it to be bare.
      As for me and my class, they are coming down for STAAR testing, so It won't be going back up.

3.  Libraries(Reading Teachers)  give a basket  to each students and have them to help you to reorganize them according to the labels on them.

4   Start labeling and organizing math manipulative's, ( I use Tupperware dishes,  and jars)

5.  Start collecting Guided Reading books ( we have classroom sets for our Reading Curriculum and a Book room as well)

6.   Start storing all old teachers  editions in the cabinets.

7.  Place all things you know have to be inventoried or turned into someone in one area.

8.  Turn in all those library resources you haven't returned yet.

9.  Gather all your teachers editions and place them in the cabinets

10.  Start thinking about things you need to work on or read for the Summer and create a pile somewhere in the class.

Create a checklist of all the things you have to do before the end of school year and post somewhere visible.( computer screen, desk top even in the corner of the dry erase board)

So the year is over and you want a break.  You deserve a break.  How about a vacation, whether it is a long one, short one or a weekend.  Get away and relax .  How about treating yourself to a spa day, or a movie night alone, or just go for a long walk to the park and sit and read a good book.  These are just some of the things I will do.

What am I doing this Summer?

I am teaching Summer school.  I know don't even say anything. I also plan to set up my classroom  this Summer.  I know, I know.  Your saying what is up with this chick.  I love to study teks, read books, lesson plans and teach in the Summer.  Well,  I do.  Sue me. I'm weird.  I like to drive the Custodian crazy, showing up to see if he has done my room so I can start setting it. up.  I love to set my class up in the summer because I have the time to do so.  I can set it up, move things around and modify and adjust things.

I also plan to work on creating more products for my TPT store and posting to my facebook and instagram pages.  check them out and follow me for more ideas, tips and resources for teachers.

So, why do I set up my room in the Summer?  If your district is like ours, that first week without the kids is filled with PD.  I might see my classroom 1 hour out of the whole day.  That last day, is our  Meet, Greet, and Peek night where parents  and students come and check out their classrooms and parents get a chance to meet the teacher.  That day is for us to set up our classrooms, but as usual things don't ever go as plan in a teacher's life.

So how do I relax in the Summer?  When do I take off the teacher's hat?

 I go to Arkansas and visit my family for a week or so.  I go and we barbecue, we hangout, I get to catch up with family and friends I haven't seen in a while.  I get to eat from my favorite places.  I can't wait until July to eat some Shot gun's deep pan pizza, to get some real catfish steaks, to have breakfast with my family at I-hop and to store hop with my sister.  So you see.  I will have a Summer.  I just mix business with pleasure.  I create that  balance I talked about in an earlier blog.

So tell me what are your plan this Summer?  Leave me comment below.

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to share this one with my sister. She's been a teacher for the last 11 years teaching Fourth grade as well!
