Sunday, May 27, 2018

So you're a teacher? Now What?

As the year winds down, and testing wraps up.  Now what?    Students are tired, teachers are tired.  Sometimes behaviors explodes and students have literally checked out.  They figure we have taken the state test,  schools over.  Yet you have anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months left.   So Now What?

How about Book Clubs.  A great way to wrap up the school year.   Book Clubs allow students to collaborate and be interactive.  Their are so many things that you can do with book clubs, and their are so many ways to form students.

Did you know that book clubs don't have to be just  chapter books.  How about starting off with picture books.

Some of my favorite books to use for book clubs:

Baseball Saved Us
Rosa Parks
Anne Frank
Pink and Say
Ruby Bridges.

IF you are looking for additional resources and like some of these titles I have additional response activities that you can use with them.

If your not sure about book clubs,  how about creating a bingo board of activities for student to choose from to apply to their books, whether they are book club books or independent books.  My goal is to keep their hands moving and them actively engaged.  No down time!  Students love making and creating things.  We have created power points, book boards, diorama's, posters, puppet shows, and much much more.  Here is the resource given to the students,  I model those I think they are unfamiliar with and as they choose if needed I model as the need arises.

Looking for a way to hold kids accountable for independent reading.  Hear are some great reading response activities ranging from paper pencil to technology.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

So, it's the end of the school year, so what?

        Are your students loosing focus?  Are they acting like they were at the beginning of the year?  Have they began to act out or become  unmotivated or care?  What's a teacher to do?

       In order to have a smooth exit to the year,  it is important that during this time of year teachers take the time to remember that they need to revisit expectations and continue with morning meetings.  The students need consistency so don't let up.  Now, I am not saying bombard them with work, especially busy work.  I am saying  use activities that will grab their attention but still address learning targets.

       The first thing to do is to make sure to have not only morning meetings but classroom meetings.  I have three rotations,  a homeroom/Social Studies and two LA/Reading  rotations.   I started revisiting our school pillars, one a week with my homeroom students. The students are creating posters that represent what they do and don't look like.  They are coming up with statements as well.  There job is to tell me one way they plan to show that pillar, and to evaluate themselves at the end of the day.   What are you doing to ensure students comply.

       In my rotation stations we revisit the contract posters we created at the beginning of the year as to the expectations for Reading and Writing workshop to be able to take place efficiently and effectively.   I remind them of the Non-Negotiables established at the beginning of the year.  I make sure to address every infraction that is major, and ignore the ones that are petty even if they are becoming annoying.  You will have those students that will do things just to get under your skin.  That is where you refer to some of your favorite PD for classroom management strategies.  I posted a few below.  I do make sure to stop when behaviors are off and problem solve and come up with solutions to the issues.  I don't want kids to think that it is okay for some behaviors and not others.  I just don't harp on them as a whole class.  I pull those students quietly and use some of the strategies from Power Struggles.  If you don't have this book.  I highly recommend it. 

        What are you doing?  Do you need ideas and support? Check out these two resources, they are sitting on my desk now and when issues arise I refer to them.  Great tools for all teachers especially new teachers.


Image result for classroom management book covers

       Other things that I have found that works at the end of the year as a reminder to students of their jobs is  number one practice academies.  If students aren't doing what is expected, I reteach and model expectations, have them practice it until it becomes a habit again.  The main thing is to not let the end of the year or the fact that testing is over to justify students lack of effort or behavioral changes.    A second thing is rewards,  give out reward coupons, use your treasure chest,  Here are a few rewards I use.  You will find them in my store.  Hit the link on the sidebar and it will take you there to check them out along with other resources for the classroom.

Reward Coupons

        When All else fails,  make sure to give opportunities for students to share and discuss their learning,  make sure to give brain breaks and technology apps such as:  Gonoodle, Kahoot, padlet, google classroom, CPS, Pic Collage,  and Sock puppets.  Use logic puzzles, incorporate music and art around  content area.   The goal is to keep them engaged!! However, keep it relevant to content,  not busy work.

So it's the end of the school, year, Now What?